
Merry Christmas

It's been a mad rush to get everything done around the house before the big day tomorrow, and there've been a couple of near heart attacks from shoveling wet frozen snow this morning... How does the snow blower know to die right before the worst storms in recent history? They'll never tell.

Anyways, this last weekend I took "a few" pictures of Norah for her 9 month picture. I borrowed a few things from my Dad and we had a nice little studio set up right here at home! It was a lot of fun for me, I hope Norah enjoyed herself too. Lauri wanted to print it out before everyone came over tomorrow so I figured, since I have it, I might as well post it. So here's a sneak peak of our big girl...

And by the way, if you're still reading this, I hope you and yours are as happy as me and mine this Christmas Season (Chanukah too Ari).

God Bless.

John, Lauri, and Norah


Norah meets Santa!

We took Norah to see Santa on Sunday, here are a few videos. I'd forgotten my video camera (me forget? Imagine that...) So we stopped at my parents house and grabbed my Dad's point and shoot with Video capability. You can see that Norah was a little apprehensive about that Santa fella, what the video doesn't show is captured in the picture...

She was fine after I grabbed her, and on the way home she was VERY slap happy. Check it out.

Before she realized what was happening



Where does the time go?

So I sat down and started typing out this blog post and it started something like this, " if time flies, it takes off at jet speed when you have kids..." Then Lauri popped in and laughed at me saying "That's exactly how you started your last post!" Of course I wouldn't believe her until I saw it with my own eyes, and as usual she was right.

So rather than repeat myself, I'll just get to the good stuff, pictures of Norah. Most of these pictures are from our Thanksgiving Dinners, but there are also some good Bribery pictures for when Norah's say 16 or 17 years old... Bath time Mohawk pictures!

We've had our christmas tree up for a little while now, Norah is absolutely infatuated!

She's quite the little rolly polly these days. Sooo close to crawling too...
Thanksgiving at Great-Grandma Decker's House

Thanksgiving Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Zabor's
Sorry Lindsey, you were the only one with your eyes closed in this one. The other shot caught a few people off gaurd...

Grandpa Z's idea of a pain killer for a teething Norah (yes there's a top on the bottle... C'mon people)
Can you tell which new Beyonce song Lauri and Norah like to dance to?


8 months

I guess there's no way to realize how fast time really does fly by until you have a baby, at least for me that's been the case. I can remember when our friends would have a baby (before Norah) and then "all of a sudden" we'd be going to a 1st birthday party. Everybody would be saying "I can't believe how fast the time has gone by..." but really I think most of the people said it just because that's what everyone else was saying.

But now, I think I really get it.

I swear it was last week that we were in the hospital, and only a couple of days ago that I was waking up at 3:00 am every night to warm up a bottle and give Norah her "midnight feedings". All the work may sound like a pain to some, but to be honest I kind of miss it already. Even now whenever she has a difficult evening, all of the crying and tears get erased the second she falls asleep in our arms.

Anyways, here are a few more pictures of Norah. I know it's been a while since I last posted pictures of her, things have been busy as we're getting ready for the holidays around the house. And yes, those are two teeth in there. They aren't very easy to get a picture of...


Eric's Senior Pictures

A few weeks ago my Dad and I did a phot shoot for the one and only GQ magazine... Ha ha, just kidding. Actually we shot my brother-in-laws Senior photos. Eric will be graduating from Fenton High School this year. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

And what would a blog post be w/o shots of Norah. But so as not to show Eric up Norah's Halloween pictures are on my Dad's Blog.


Halloween 2008

On Saturday, against my better judgement I went out with Lauri and Norah for our first subdivision Haloween Parade. I only say "against my better judgement" because I'd come down with the flu on Friday. And just as I started to feel a tiny bit better, we went out and walked around in the cold, windy, michigan weather for an hour or so... But I wouldn't have missed it for the world! Here are few pictures that I managed to grab (after ALOT of photoshop that is, I shouldn't be shooting in Manual mode when I'm feeling that sick... Lesson learned)

Some would call this child abuse...

Then it was time for Norah's first UM vs MSU game... Luckily she won't remember this one...

P.S. Eric, I promise your pictures will be done soon... Norah pulled rank this time