

The last few days have been quite a rollercoaster for us, if you hadn't already heard...

On Saturday we had a great baby shower put on by Lauri's Mom, Sister, and girlfriends. We got a lot of great gifts and had a great time. Thanks to everyone who was there. My Dad has a slideshow on his blog if you'd like to check that out.

On Sunday, Lauri asked me if we'd ever installed the Carbon Monoxide detectors in the new house. As that was one of the first things I wanted to do when we got into the new house, I'd quickly realized that I had forgotten to do that. So I immediately ran out to the nearest hardware store and picked a few up (one for upstairs, one for downstairs), and installed them as soon as I got back. Shortly thereafter both alarms (upstairs and downstairs) were going off. So, Lauri's Mom (Grandma Joan) and Sister (Aunt Lindsey) got Lauri (and Baby) out of the house while Conrad (Grandpa Z) and I waited for an HVAC contractor to check out the situation. About a half hour later it was determined that we had cracked heat exchanger and we'd need a new furnace. So we moved into Joan and Conrad's house for the following few days while we were waiting to get a new furnace installed.

We also took a precautionary measure and took Lauri into the hospital so that they could monitor the baby for a little while, just to be sure. And while we were there I felt myself getting very achey and hot. I wasn't sure if this was all a byproduct of the CO exposure, or if it were something else. When we got back to the Zabor's house I finally took my temperature... 101.something! No wonder I was so hot! So for the next few days, on top of trying to get a new furnace installed and dealing with a home warranty company who doesn't want to pay for anything, I was also working my way through whatever virus had been going around. When it rains, it pours.

The moral of the story: Don't wait, get your Carbon Monoxide Detectors, and get a flu shot every year...

Hopefully when we get caught back up at home I'll be able to post some pictures. I have a few from my brother-in-laws birthday celebration this last weekend too.


Test Slideshow

I've posted a slideshow of a few of images from various wedding events on the right hand side of the page. It's under the Jim Shields Photography heading. This will probably be a constant "work in progress", so if you keep track of my blog check it out once and a while.

And if you are a frequent visitor, thanks.


Casa de Baby Shields...

It was a pretty crazy day around our house today. We got alot accomplished in the baby's room, and around the house in general. Here's a picture I took of the baby's room today. Not very exciting, but it will be much more complete within the next two weeks. Next week we get the new carpet (baby's room) and duct cleaning (whole house), after that I'll be able to put all the furniture in the baby's room, which will include putting the crib together. That ought to be a fun time... I've heard a few war stories from other Dad's about putting those things together. Well anyways, until the next baby's room update...

Disclaimer: I have no idea if this blog title is "proper" spanish, I never took that class. oh well.


Advent by Candlelight '07 update

I was just able to wrap up the slideshow for the Advent by Candlelight event I've previously posted about. It should be on our church's website (click here)in a couple of days. As soon as it goes online I'll update this post.


Well, it's been up for a few hours now, but I just remembered to update this post. So click here for a link to the slideshow


Advent by Candlelight '07

As I mentioned before, I'm going to be working on the photos I took at this year's advent by candlelight that was held at my church, St. John Lutheran, back in December. I'm a little over half way through editing them, so here's a sneak peak. This shot was taken at the table my Mom and Aunt Donna hosted, it was the gift that each of their guests received.

"Light the Night" Update

So yesterday I was informed that the folks over at "Light the Night" (click here if you need a refresher on my involvement with this great event) posted all of the images I gave them on a website. So if you'd like to see a slideshow, check them out here.

It also sounds like my family may have a little bit more involvement with this fantastic organization and their annual fundraising event. My Dad's cousin Debby will be running the show, some other folks may be on a committee, and Jim Shields Photography may be one of the official sponsors (as well as photographer[s])!

I'm sure it'll be WELL publicized on this blog as well as my
Dad's blog when it gets closer. So stay tuned.


Doing Something right.

Thought I'd check to see if there was any change in the value of my blog, and to my surprise it went up! Although I'm still looking to see who'll pay me for it. This would help get me that new D300!!!


My blog is worth $3,387.24.
How much is your blog worth?

Getting closer

After an action packed weekend of painting the baby's room, other odd's and ends around the house, and a couple of birthday party's - I'm getting closer to actually posting pictures again!

I was able to squeeze in a few minutes here and there of editing an event that I'd shot at our church way back in December. I feel like I've been a big slacker for not getting to these photo's but - now that I think about it - quite a bit has happened between then and now. But I hope to chip away at the lot of them this week and get this task crossed off my "little piece of paper"!


At work...

Just thought I'd post this shot really quick, my Dad took this of me this weekend while we were shooting Sarah and Derek's engagement pictures at the Detroit Zoo. We had a blast, what a great place for pictures! From the butterfly house to the Arctic Ring of Life - polar bear exhibit.
It was pretty cold out (hence the gloves - modified for taking pictures) but Sarah and Derek hung in there for some great shots.