
Kentucky Derby

For the past couple of years it's been tradition that Lauri, her mom, stepdad, and myself have put a little cash on the Kentucky Derby (just amongst ourselves). And I'm not talking big money here, but like the "Not So Annual" Shields Family Golf Outing, it's one of those - biggest grudge matches for just a buck - type of deals.

So we each do our research the day of the race (read the newspaper, watch ESPN before the race, pretend like we know what we're talking about) and pick a horse. It's also been a good reason to get together for a drink or three. Well this year Joan and Conrad will be in Florida on the day of the race so we'll have to try and get our picks posted online here, or maybe just over the phone. I also found a website that lets me put a widget on my blog with info about the Derby in it. Check it out. And by all means, get a group of friends and family together and watch the derby. You may not care who wins, but hopefully you care about the people your watching it with.


A little bit more Norah

This past week has been quite an experience, let me tell you. Poor little Norah has been really fussy most of this past week (also known as gassy in the baby world), and Lauri and I couldn't figure it out. For the most part she'd been a picture perfect baby up until then. Then Lauri decided to try a different type of bottle to feed her with, and VOILA! We have our perfect little angel back!

If Lauri and I had to pick one word to describe parenting for this past week, I think it would have to be "humbling", hands down...
I got home a little earlier today so, with the weather being as nice as it was, we headed to the new local outdoor mall and went for a family walk. Well Lauri and I walked, Norah slept. We even managed to go out for our first family dinner at a restaurant!!! Lauri and I have never been that excited to go to Max and Erma's! And wouldn't you know it, Norah slept through that too, even with a screaming toddler right next to us for half our meal.
And how fitting, this transformation came just in time for her to model a recent gift she received from one of my former college roomates. Norah would like to thank you for the personalized onesie Aunt Kacy! In fact it's so pretty she couldn't wait to try it on, even if it is a size or two too big for now. We're very thankful for all of the clothes that Norah has gotten, but I wanted to post a picture of what Kacy made for Norah.
