
More of Ari's Wedding

So here are the rest of the images from my friend Ari's wedding. It's taken me a few days between now and my last post for a number of reasons. We were out of town for the holiday, and we had some other things going on that's going to keep us busy for a long time to come. More on that later though. For now, enjoy the pictures.

One of my old classmates new baby.

Lauri during cocktail hour. She hates when I just sit there and keep taking her picture and ask her to "just act natural". Ha ha, I guess my brother, sister, and I are the only ones that think having a camera right infront of you is "natural"So we're in a sea of very formaly/conservatively dressed people, and in walks another one of my old classmates. Everybody was saying to us all night, "oh you must be Ari's friends from U of M..." I wonder what gave it away...I like this image, it starts to show you how much excitement and activity surrounded this event.Jodi looked pretty nervous up there.Jodi and Ari where so happy all day long, it was cool to see them interact after not seeing each other for a while.Then the crowd began to entertain them.Not sure why, but many props were involved. This is Ari's younger brother

I kept wondering what the Hotel staff was thinking about this when all these guys grabbed this tablecloth. Not sure what happened to this collage I made, obviously I used a wrong file format. I'll try to fix it later.There was a nice couple that we asked to take our picture. Not sure who you were, but thanks!My complimentary Yamikah.It was a long trip and we had a great time, but it's always nice to come home.


Anonymous said...

I really like the portrait of Lauri. Isn't she just beaming ..hee..hee... (people will get it later). I'm also a little concerned about the guy in the background. I would lose him on that shot.

Anonymous said...

Well, honey... you really did a nice job on the photos. I also like the black/white shot of Lauri. Don't worry... pretty soon you'll have a subject who won't even notice the camera in front of your face. Ha-ha. Love, Mom