
Light the Night - 9.28.07

Friday night our family was involved with an important fund raising event, put on by the local chapter of the Leukemia + Lymphoma Society , Light the Night. Click here to check out the Michigan Chapter's website.

Not only was I there to take pictures, but to show my support for two of my family members who are survivors. My Wife and Sister walked for my Brother-in-law (sister's new husband), and my Mom walked for one of my Dad's Cousins.

Here are a few of the images I captured that evening. There's more to come once they're all edited, but I wanted to get a few up as soon as I could.


Apple Orchard '07

Feels like it's been a while since I lasted posted, so here's a few shots of our trip to Blake's Apple Orchard this weekend.

Lauri gets pretty excited at the first sign of cooler weather to head up to the apple orchard's. And not just any orchard will do here, it's got to be the "real" apple orchard where you pick your own apples. I like to give her a hard time about that becuase I think we pass at least 2 other orchards on the way to the "real" one. Even though I wouldn 't want to go the one's where you can't pick your own apples either, but shhhhh don't tell her that...

One of the best parts of the Apple Orchard to me, is the doughnuts and Cider. Who could turn down one of those Cinammon + Sugar covered pieces of heaven? Not me.
The other thing we love about Blake's, is the Sweet Corn. You can buy it ready, just waiting to be buttered and topped off with a little salt and pepper. This always reminds me of the roadside corn shack my family used to stop at on our way home from my Grandparents old farm in Leamington, Ontario.
Lauri enjoying the first doughnut of the season, not to mention the Baby's first doughnut EVER!
Lauri spotted a bunch of good looking apples, but they were just a little out of her reach. So she made me put the camera and bag of apples down, and go get them.
Hopefully there'll be many more trips to the various Cider Mill's in the area this season. And if you haven't gone yet, what are you waiting for? Get on out there and support your local farmers. And don't be shy to stop at the roadside farmer's stands selling their freshest produce. You'll be amazed at how much better fresh - local produce tastes! Click HERE for a link to michigan's list of "Pick your own" farm's.


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Jess and Tony's Wedding

Just a teaser of Jess and Tony's wedding pictures from my Dad. Be sure to keep checking his BLOG regularly as he should be posting a slideshow any day now. He's getting alot of pressure to get that up and running.

I also got word that Robert Bruce's images are proving to have turned out really well also, no surprise there though.


Tony and Jessica's Wedding

So the big day has come and gone, Jess and Tony had a beautiful day to celebrate their wedding vows to each other. Everyone had a great time, the reception and ceremony were beautiful thanks in large part to Mr. and Mrs. Hart who put together all of the decorations and floral arrangements. Thank you again Mr and Mrs Hart, our family is truly blessed to have you in our lives.

So I got home that evening, put down my camera bag, and realized that I hadn't taken a single picture with my own camera... My Dad had all of his equipment with him, and it was always set and ready to go. So instead of putting his lenses on my camera I just shot with his equipment all night long. So be sure to check his blog regularly to see some great pictures from the big day.

Not to mention the amazing Robert Bruce, who was the photographer of record for the event. Lauri and I used Robert for our wedding also, so Jess and Tony knew they were in for some great pictures. Can't wait to see what he got too. It's always alot of fun to talk and shoot with Robert, he's a wealth of knowledge and great ideas. That's all for now. Take care, and congrats again to Jess and Tony.


Dinner at Lily's

Tonight we went to Lily's for dinner, where my brother is the executive chef. We all had a great time, except for Jim. I could see him running like crazy back in the kitchen. Thanks Jim, we really appreciated all of your hard work. My Dad took almost all of these shots.


Kelly's Wedding - Part 2

Just a couple more pictures from Todd and Kelly's Wedding.

Those two were dancing fools, they obviously had a blast on their wedding day.

p.s. a number of these pics from Kelly's wedding are from my point and shoot camera.

Congratulations on the biggest day of your life, thus far. Here's a diorama. Ha ha, leave it to those crazy IHP'ers.

Paolo showed us what hard time in the time out corner was like in the Romano House.