This post is from back in late August, when my Dad and I participated in the local PUG's photo-shootout. It was alot of fun, and exciting to shoot with a bunch of new people and exciting to learn new things from Joel and the rest of the group. I look forward to making it to the next meeting. So here are a couple of the images I got from that night, which was a lesson in lighting. First we tried to use reflected light (which wasn't terribly successful due to the cloudy Michigan skies), a video light setup was used (lots of fun, and a great lesson), and finally an off camera flash set up (need to play with this more, so much fun). I had a hard time using only available light, as I don't have a terribly steady hand (need to work on that) so alot of my images were a little on the blurry side, so I had to do alot of touching up. But let me know which one you like the best.
Thanks. -John
Looks like you're really soaking up all the information available to you. Good job on the photos, honey. Love, Mom
I like the first picture of Brooke and the last one of Bethany. It was a lot of fun that night. Hope we can do something like that again.
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. My favorite - besides the one of dad taking a picture - is #5. I like the water & evening lights in the background. Very nice. Love, Mom
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