
Big Day

Today was a very big day for Lauri and I, it started with the inspection of the house we're planning on buying. My Dad joined us to check out the place, and I asked him to take a few pictures for record purposes. He took a few more than "a few" since he knew he didn't have to do any post-editing, but I'm happy he was there to check it out and give us his oppinion. Pictures on that to come later, because more importantly, today was our first ultrasound for Lauri and the Baby!

People always tell you how exciting it is to be there for this procedure, but I never really understood what they meant until today. It was so exciting to see the baby wiggling around inside of Lauri on the screen. Usually all you get to see from other people are the still images that are produced from this procedure, but today Lauri and I got to see our baby for the first time moving all over the place! I'm not sure if it just wanted some excercise, or if the ultrasound was bothering it. But anyways, here are our Baby's first pictures!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad everything went well. Looks like a girl to me. You know those girls can never keep still. They want to get out and go shopping with their puppa.

Anonymous said...

Look at that sweet cutie pie! Did you notice those long legs??? Grandma is going to have a hard time keeping up. I'll have to wear my running shoes! Thanks for sharing baby's first photos! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to figure out which ends up. Thanks for sharing. Is there twins there? From one twin to another. Good luck guys. Deb V

Anonymous said...

It's the cutest niece or nephew in the whole wide world!!!! Ok, well it will be!! Some of those pictures I can't even figure out if it's the head or the bum!!
Love all 3 of you!

Anonymous said...

What great pictures!! Wait a minute I need a tissue.... I think it is a girl and she is going to be tall and thin
like her daddy and have straight
blond hair like her Mommy.
Oh, we are going to love her so much. Lauri, you take it easy, no heavy lifting. Love Ya,
Aunt Diane