
Test Slideshow

I've posted a slideshow of a few of images from various wedding events on the right hand side of the page. It's under the Jim Shields Photography heading. This will probably be a constant "work in progress", so if you keep track of my blog check it out once and a while.

And if you are a frequent visitor, thanks.


Anonymous said...

Nice job, honey. I do think those cigar shots make a nice ending to your stories. I'll be watching for additions. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey that's nice. The best part is I didn't have anything to do with the posting or creation. I will put a link to it on my blog for people asking to see your work. I'm sure we can get you a few more weddings this year to add to it.

Jessica Del Vecchio said...

Nice work, John! I really love your style!

Anonymous said...

I love staying up-dated and seeing your work. I know I'll be looking at pictures for hours once the baby comes! Love You Aunt Tammy