
4 month Dr. Appointment

Our "little" girl had her 4 month doctors appointment today which means she got measured, checked out, and shot up. That's a lot for her to go through all in one doctors visit, but Lauri has informed me that she made it through with flying colors. There were some tears during the shots, but a quick bottle afterwards solved that problem.

Norah is now in the 95 percentile for both height and weight for girls at her age (16.10 pounds - 25.75" long). I guess she comes by her height honestly though.

Here's a picture Lauri sent me after their appointment, the text that went along with it was from Norah saying, "I'm ok daddy, I miss you"...

In other news,

A friend of mine from college made the paper over the past few days for a project he'd worked on. The firm he works for (Integrated Architecture) has designed a new shower facility for the state of Michigan to use in their State Parks. It's an eco-friendly design using all the latest and greatest green strategies and technologies. The project pictured in the article is at the Grand Haven State Park, and apparently they plan on building another one in a park in Gaylord, MI.

AP photo by Adam Bird

I first read about it in an email that I'm subscribed to that talks about development news in the Grand Rapids area. Their article linked to an online news source I'd never heard of. So I just figured it got some local press, still not to shabby. So I emailed him to say congrats, and he informed me that the AP picked up the story, and ran it in papers all over the US including USA Today! That's just Crazy talk!

So Congrats again Ryan.

Go Blue!


More Food!

This week marked a pretty big milestone for Norah, she started eating cereal and Vegetables from a spoon! Not only is she expanding her gastronomic interests, she's sitting in her big girl high chair too! She sure does love her some green beans.
Lauri went out for dinner with some ladies she works with tonight, so it was a Daddy and Norah Night! Tonight was the first time I had a chance to feed her in her high chair and she did great! (These pictures were from the night before)

The next two pictures were just from me playing around with photoshop, experimenting with different Black and White techniques. But I figured I'd post them anyways.


4 months!

Here are a few pictures from the last week or so of our big 4 month old little girl. It's absolutely amazing to me to just sit and watch her learn how to use her hands, or find her feet, and then figure out how to get her feet in her mouth!

Yesterday I had to call in to work because I've been a little under the weather for the last few days, but it must have been a blessing in disguise because I was home for the first time Norah rolled over!!! It was a pretty big day for all of us, and for a few minutes I forgot how sick I felt!

So anyways, here's a few pictures...

And yes, that's pink nail polish on my baby girls toes... Obviously I wasn't around when this all happened.


Special Dresses

Norah has gotten a lot of clothes since she's been around (no... I mean a LOT) and there've been a lot of outfits that are special to us, but two of her dresses were a little extra special.

The first one, from Mr and Mrs Hart is about the girliest dress you'll ever find, It just screams "I'm the cutest little girl ever, in all of this pink ruffley splendor"!
I know you can't really see all the ruffles and stuff on the dress in this picture, but I just thought it was so darn cute.
The second dress we got from my Uncle David and Karl. It's an antique type of dress that he had cleaned up and prepared just for Norah. This dress is quite different from the first one, but equally beautiful in its simplicity. The stitching and design is really something to see. I hope to get more shots of these dresses (maybe under Papa's studio lights), but we need to make that happen pretty quickly as Norah is very close to being a 4 month old girl!!! Yikes.


Happy 4th Everybody! Thank a Vet while you're at it!

Every year my Mom's family heads up to my Aunt and Uncle's cottage in Canadian Lakes, MI for a weekend of fun in the sun. Well, fun in the shade for some of us anyways. This was Norah's first time to the cottage, and boy was everyone excited to see her! What a help it is to have almost 20 people to help watch her for the weekend. And little miss nosey was loving every minute of it. She had a fussy day our first day back home, I think it was because only Lauri and I were around... She missed all of her family and the dogs being around. When we got home I realized that I hadn't taken as many pictures as I usually do, was a little pre-occupied this year. But here are a few (a couple of them were taken by my Dad with my camera). And if you're interested, I'm sure he'll have a slideshow up soon if not already from this weekend too, on his blog (CLICK HERE)


We got our new computer a week or so ago now, and have steadily been getting it up and running with the basics. So now we have a few different occassions to blog about so I'll do each one with it's own post. Back towards the end of June, Lauri, Norah, and I took a trip out to Cedar Springs, MI to visit with Lauri's sister (Lindsey) her Fiance (ryan) and her step-son-to-be (Braiden). Joan Conrad made the trip out with Cosmo too, so we had a full house. Here are a few snapshots from our weekend.

Oh and the biggest thing since my last blog post has been that Norah is now a big 3 month old girl. She's definitely keeping Mom and Dad on their toes.

Our little Jackie O

Thanks again for putting up with us Lindsey, Ryan, and Braiden.