

We got our new computer a week or so ago now, and have steadily been getting it up and running with the basics. So now we have a few different occassions to blog about so I'll do each one with it's own post. Back towards the end of June, Lauri, Norah, and I took a trip out to Cedar Springs, MI to visit with Lauri's sister (Lindsey) her Fiance (ryan) and her step-son-to-be (Braiden). Joan Conrad made the trip out with Cosmo too, so we had a full house. Here are a few snapshots from our weekend.

Oh and the biggest thing since my last blog post has been that Norah is now a big 3 month old girl. She's definitely keeping Mom and Dad on their toes.

Our little Jackie O

Thanks again for putting up with us Lindsey, Ryan, and Braiden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute-thanks for posting these pics John! I was just thinking we needed to see more of Norah.
We didn't put up with you guys-it was great having visitors! Hopefully next time the grass will be completely filled in! :)